Entries are now closed for the Fall 2018 Photo Fence exhibit, but more information about the next exhibit will be coming soon. Please visit our page on the currently installed Photo Fence exhibit in Historic Downtown Cartersville here.

Submission Deadline: September 21, 2018
Photographers are invited to submit up to 4 digital images for a juried photography exhibit in downtown Cartersville, Georgia. The purpose of the project is to promote photography as an art form within the community. The exhibit will be installed on the west side of the black fence at Founders Oak Plaza from October 12 to January 2019.
THEME: images that depict “happiness and/or joy” and that may “bring a smile or chuckle to the viewer.”
- Each image must be tasteful and suitable for public and family viewing and should not contain obscene, provocative, violent, defamatory, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.
- No entry fee or printing costs to the entrant. The project organizers will handle all printing arrangements and costs.
- The jury will select 25 -30 images that will hang on the fence for 3 months.
- Each photographer’s name and image title will be printed on the final image in a space below the photograph.
- A ‘Peoples’ Choice” award will be announced in December. A notation will be made on the printed image; a ribbon and certificate will be presented to the photographer.
- Each photographer will maintain the copyright for his/her image.
Specifications for Images:
- Dimensions and Orientation: Submissions MUST conform to the following:
- Vertical images are restricted to between:: maximum: 20w x 26h minimum: 18w x 24h
- Horizontals are restricted to between: maximum 48w x 26h minimum: 42w x 24h
- Dimensions and Orientation: Submissions MUST conform to the following:
Note: Your image sizing may be slightly adjusted to the requirements of the printer and material used. Image content will not be affected.
- Resolution: The digital resolution of each image MUST be submitted at 300ppi
- Editing: Photo-editing software manipulation of images is allowed. All components of each image must be the original work of the photographer.
- Color: Color, black & white, and sepia are acceptable.
- Size: Total of ALL 4 files submitted is a maximum of 50MB. If your files are larger than a total of 50MB, you may submit them one at a time.
- Format: Only .jpg files will be accepted
- By submitting an entry to The Photo Fence, the entrant acknowledges that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph.
- The printed images in the exhibit will not be returned to the entrants; they will become the property of the Cartersville DDA. They may be subsequently auctioned or sold individually to benefit The Photo Fence project and other public arts programs. The photographer maintains the copyright of the digital image.
- Submission of an entry is acknowledgement of the terms and conditions.
- Incomplete entries or those that do not conform to the guidelines and specifications will not be considered.
Submission Process for “The Photo Fence”
- Deadline for submission of digital files: SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 (midnight)
- The Digital Entry Form is available here: https://downtowncartersville.org/photo-fence-entry-form/
- Each entrant may submit up to four digital images to be juried.
- Name each image as follows: LastName-ImageTitle-1,2,3 or 4 (e.g.: DoeJane-CatsMeow-1-4)
- Sizing of images: size each image in inches, with a resolution of 300ppi
- Total of ALL 4 files submitted is a maximum of 50MB. If your files are larger than a total of 50MB, you may submit them one at a time.
- Only .jpg files will be accepted
- Notification of final acceptance will be emailed week of October 1.
- Images are being solicited from photographers in Bartow and surrounding counties.